Human Trafficking in a Clinical Setting - Your Role and Responsibility

8 modules


Course Length
60 mins

Hope for Justice



Human Trafficking in a Clinical Setting - Your Role and Responsibility

Course Length: 2-30 minute modules (1 hour total)

For special organizational pricing please email 

Who should take this course? All clinical practitioners including physicians, nurses, physician assistants, clinical pharmacists, licensed clinical social workers (LCSW) and anyone else supporting or administrating direct patient care in clinics, urgent care facilities, private practice offices and hospitals. 

Course description 400,000 people in the United States are trapped in modern slavery situations related to sex and labor trafficking. Many of these victims receive healthcare services while under a traffickers’ control. In fact, medical practitioners are often among the few professionals to have contact with trafficked persons outside of their daily exploitive situations. Developing the knowledge and skills to assess and interview potential victims in a medical setting is critical to saving lives. This course is delivered in two modules. Through stories and interactive scenarios, this course will teach clinicians and other medical staff how to spot the signs of human trafficking and safe ways to take action on behalf of victims.   

Part 1 is an overview of human trafficking in the US. Learning objectives for Part 1 include: 

  • Describe the pervasiveness of and multiple types of human trafficking
  • Identify the signs of sex and labor trafficking and exploitation

Part 2 focuses specifically on human trafficking in the clinical setting. Learning objectives for Part 2 include: 

  • Identify indicators of potential human trafficking victims in a clinical setting
  • Describe why health care practitioners play a critical role in identifying, treating and supporting human trafficking patients
  • Explain best practices for screening potential victims in a clinical setting

Certificate option To receive the completion certificate at the end of this course, please complete all modules including the pre-training knowledge check and the post-training test and user survey. 

This course is also available at the AMA EdHub


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Human Trafficking in a Clinical Setting Certificate

Learning Credits

Welcome To Your Course!
{{ vm.helper.t('reports.module') }}
Pre-Training Knowledge Check
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.survey') }}
Part 1 - Human Trafficking in the United States: The Truth and What You Can Do About It
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.scorm') }}
Part 2 - Human Trafficking in a Clinical Setting - Your Role and Responsibility
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.scorm') }}
Post-Training Test
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
Learner Experience Course Survey
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.survey') }}
{{ vm.helper.t('reports.module') }}
Get Involved!
{{ vm.helper.t('reports.module') }}
Added about 1 month ago, by Anonymous
Added about 1 month ago, by Morgan
Added about 1 month ago, by Angela
Added 2 months ago, by Erica
Added 3 months ago, by Mark
Added 3 months ago, by Florence
Added 3 months ago, by Dominic
Final exam questions should indicate "select all that apply" when appropriate. The first question with multiple potential answers had this indicated but the following ones did not.
Added 3 months ago, by Timothy
Added 3 months ago, by Zahid
Added 3 months ago, by William
very helpful

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